The Course

A Par 72 Premiere Championship Golf Course Isn't Merely Played, It Is Experienced

Make the most of your visit to Shore Gate Golf Club with our detailed course guide — a useful tool we’ve created to provide hole strategy and data for your round of golf. The Overview tab provides general information on hole lengths, slopes, and rates. Plus, by clicking on the individual hole numbers, you'll find more detailed information about each hole of the course including a hole description, aerial view, yardage, and images. This guide gives you all the information necessary to have the best possible experience on our course!

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Course Lengths Overview

OUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL
PAR 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 3 5 36
Black Tees 394 432 404 370 163 589 401 225 648 3626
Blue Tees 365 401 386 345 149 565 388 204 616 3419
White Tees 333 398 374 324 136 537 371 188 577 3238
Gold Tees 293 370 350 300 105 511 344 168 531 2972
Red Tees 256 332 310 270 91 459 284 154 457 2613
IN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOTAL
PAR 4 4 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 36
Black Tees 470 409 410 556 144 406 542 204 460 3601
Blue Tees 435 376 387 536 130 378 526 185 422 3375
White Tees 400 345 355 512 112 350 509 179 391 3153
Gold Tees 375 320 321 488 108 334 484 164 374 2968
Red Tees 331 287 290 434 94 302 456 145 341 2680
Course Totals Out In Total Slope Rate
Black Tees 3626 3601 7227 150 74.2
Blue Tees 3419 3375 6794 145 72.0
White Tees 3238 3153 6391 140 70.8
Gold Tees 2972 2968 5940 136 69.3
Red Tees 2613 2680 5293 136 71.9
Aerial Course Overview

Hole 1 - Par 4

Hole #1 is a downhill dogleg left. The drive should be strategically placed on the right hand side of the fairway, short of the grass waste area in the middle of the fairway, allowing for a wedge or 9-iron shot to reach the green. Avoid the trees on the left, to set up a short-iron final approach to clear the guarding bunkers.

Hole 1


Black Tees 394
Blue Tees 365
White Tees 333
Gold Tees 293
Red Tees 256

Hole 2 - Par 4

Hole #2 is a par 4 with two lakes that flank the left side of the hole. A well-placed tee shot over the first lake must stay to the right to avoid the second lake. The fairway widens to present a generous landing area just ahead of the first lake. The landing area is a generous 47 yards wide, but is difficult to see from the tee. The idea is to land on the left hand side of the landing area, to avoid adding 40 to 50 yards to your second shot. A well placed drive will leave you with an approach of about 170 yards to a well-guarded green. Avoid the bunkers on the right on your approach shot. Like most of Shore Gate’s unique hole designs, #2’s bark is worse than its bite. It can be visually intimidating from the tee, but the hole was designed to reward strategic thinking and good shot making.

Hole 2


Black Tees 432
Blue Tees 401
White Tees 398
Gold Tees 370
Red Tees 332

Hole 3 - Par 4

Hole #3 is a medium-length par 4 dogleg left. Both sides of the fairway are lined with challenging bunkers. Consider a 3-wood for your tee shot, targeting the center of the fairway. The risk here is that with your driver, if you hit left or right, you’ll be in trouble with lots of bunkers, water and waste areas coming into play. Better to be conservative, hit a little short and stay in the middle. The fairway is heavily washboarded. Be prepared for an uneven lie on your second shot. The green is long, two-tiered and surrounded by bunkers. Depending on pin location, your second shot must be well-placed and carry deep into the green, to avoid a very long putt.

Hole 3


Black Tees 404
Blue Tees 386
White Tees 374
Gold Tees 350
Red Tees 310

Hole 4 - Par 4

Hole #4 is Shore Gate’s shortest par 4. It requires a very accurate tee shot, to avoid Environmental Area Hazard on the left, which protects an environmentally sensitive area. You must also avoid all the bunker complexes. There is a very large, deep bunker on the left, approximately 50 yards long and up to 13 feet deep in some spots. On the right is a smaller bunker. The ideal tee shot will take a trajectory over the left handed boundary of the right hand bunker. The landing area is there, beyond the bunker, but is hidden from view at the tee. The key is to hit the ball solidly and with confidence, despite the fact that the landing area is unseen. Then you will be set up for a wedge shot into the green.

Hole 4


Black Tees 370
Blue Tees 345
White Tees 324
Gold Tees 300
Red Tees 270

Hole 5 - Par 3

Hole #5 is the first of Shore Gate’s par 3s. It’s protected by a lake and a bunker, both of which you must carry to reach the tiered green. The green is comparatively narrow, presenting the challenge of a fairly small target protected by front and rear bunkers.

Hole 5


Black Tees 163
Blue Tees 149
White Tees 136
Gold Tees 105
Red Tees 91

Hole 6 - Par 5

Hole #6 is called Riptide because of the substantial sculpting in the fairway. It’s a long par 5 that is best played as a three-shot hole. The golfer must place the drive along the left side of the fairway to avoid the bunker on the right. The smart golfer will play #6 for accuracy, not distance. Play left, and avoid driving through the fairway. Avoid the sand. There are no waste areas on this hole, all the hazards are regulation bunkers.

Hole 6


Black Tees 589
Blue Tees 565
White Tees 537
Gold Tees 511
Red Tees 459

Hole 7 - Par 4

Hole #7 is a dogleg right par 4 with a dramatic sand chute that runs all the way down the right hand side of the fairway. The best way to get close to the green from the tee is to hit a controlled fade. Avoid overshooting the landing area. It is an ample 55 yards wide, but the fairway narrows to just 12 yards wide in front of the green. You must be careful to avoid driving too far which will cause you to miss the landing area and put a stand of trees between you and the green for your second shot. Too short, and you’re in the sand.

Hole 7


Black Tees 401
Blue Tees 388
White Tees 371
Gold Tees 344
Red Tees 284

Hole 8 - Par 3

Hole #8 is a downhill par 3. The green is well-protected by 11 bunkers and waste areas. It’s a long, narrow, multi-tiered green, over 50 yards. There are two large bunkers right in front of the green. This hole requires a straight tee-shot, hit well into the green to carry the bunkers. Once again, pick your line and hit your shot trusting your club to do the work and get you over the hazards.

Hole 8


Black Tees 225
Blue Tees 204
White Tees 188
Gold Tees 168
Red Tees 154

Hole 9 - Par 5

Hole #9 is a long par 5. Every course has one hole that makes you want to come back again and again. For Shore Gate, it’s #9. It requires a left-to-right tee shot. The narrow green is about 55 yards long and is guarded by a lake in front and a complex of three large bunkers presenting a fairly small target. The ideal way to play #9 is to the right, around three guarding bunkers in the fairway. Play your second shot as long as you can to get over the hazards to come into play with a medium to long-iron third shot of about 150 yards. Be aware of the wind, which makes this hole even longer when blowing towards the tee. Hint: those who have birdied this hole have played 3 woods to the green.

Hole 9


Black Tees 648
Blue Tees 616
White Tees 577
Gold Tees 531
Red Tees 457

Hole 10 - Par 4

Hole #10 is an uphill dogleg left par 4. A well-placed tee shot will stay on the right side of the fairway, clearing the waste area in front of the tee but avoiding the bunker on the right, allowing the best angle of attack to the green. The landing area is not visible from the tee, so most golfers will stay to the right to be safe. However, you may safely play it left, hitting a long shot to clear the small left bunker and finding the landing area in front of it. This is the only hole at Shore Gate with a bunker in the middle of the fairway. However, playing the hole strategically will keep the bunker out of play.

Hole 10


Black Tees 470
Blue Tees 435
White Tees 400
Gold Tees 375
Red Tees 331

Hole 11 - Par 4

Hole #11 is a mid-length par 4, with a Lateral Hazard all the way down the left, protecting environmentally sensitive areas. #11 has one of Shore Gate’s most inviting landing areas that you can almost fully see from the tee, but there is trouble on the left that is not visible. A well placed drive, along the right side of the fairway, gives you the best angle of approach and lets you avoid the tall fescue waste areas on the left. Be conservative on your second shot: the target is small and there is an additional Lateral Hazard area behind the green. Again, you have to be strategic. It’s not a long second shot, but you need to be in the fairway to make it your best.

Hole 11


Black Tees 409
Blue Tees 376
White Tees 345
Gold Tees 320
Red Tees 287

Hole 12 - Par 4

Hole #12 is a straightaway par 4. The ideal tee shot is a fade that starts out down the left side of the fairway and moves right to a generous landing area. On your second shot, you must avoid the water and a bunker complex on the right. The green is on a peninsula surrounded on three sides by water or sand.

Hole 12


Black Tees 410
Blue Tees 387
White Tees 355
Gold Tees 321
Red Tees 290

Hole 13 - Par 5

Cross the bridge to the first of three holes known as The Kingdom. Hole #13 is a dogleg left par 5, guarded by waste areas on the left and lakes on the right. A 45 -yard patch of rough cuts across the fairway, so be careful to hit your drive short of it unless you can hit it like Tiger off the tee. Your second shot should also favor the right side of the fairway to avoid the waste areas and traps on the left but not too far right, to avoid the bunker about 100 yards out. You want to hit your approach shot to the middle of the green because if you miss to the right, you’ll be faced with a waste area that is 14 feet deep in some spots.

Hole 13


Black Tees 556
Blue Tees 536
White Tees 512
Gold Tees 488
Red Tees 434

Hole 14 - Par 3

Hole #14 is the shortest hole on the golf course. The smallest green on the course is highly protected with deep bunkers. An environmentally protected area runs along the left side of the green and is marked as a lateral hazard. Make sure you pull the right club out of the bag and aim for the center of the green.

Hole 14


Black Tees 144
Blue Tees 130
White Tees 112
Gold Tees 108
Red Tees 94

Hole 15 - Par 4

Your tee shot on Hole #15 should be aimed at the barber pole in the middle of the fairway. An environmentally protected area runs along the entire left side. A layup to the 150 yard marker is the smart play but if you are hitting the driver straight, it is a great risk/reward. A large lake comes into play on the right side from the 150 marker and runs all the way along the front and right side of this undulating green. If the wind is blowing, make sure to take an extra club on your approach. Par is a good score.

Hole 15


Black Tees 406
Blue Tees 378
White Tees 350
Gold Tees 334
Red Tees 302

Hole 16 - Par 5

Hole #16 is the longer hitters best opportunity at Shore Gate to get home in 2 and have an opportunity for eagle. The generous landing area awaits your tee shot. A good drive gives you the opportunity to hit a long iron or fairway wood into this large two tiered green protected in front by a single tree and a series of bunkers. A layup shot should be played down the right side of the fairway to avoid the tree and bunkers. A real good chance for a birdie or possibly an eagle down the closing stretch.

Hole 16


Black Tees 542
Blue Tees 526
White Tees 509
Gold Tees 484
Red Tees 456

Hole 17 - Par 3

Hole #17 requires you to carry a waste area to a large green protected by bunkers on 3 sides. The front hole location is the narrowest part of this 3 tiered green. The middle of the green is a big bowl and the easiest hole location on this green. Club selection and wind direction are the keys to playing this hole well.

Hole 17


Black Tees 204
Blue Tees 185
White Tees 179
Gold Tees 164
Red Tees 145

Hole 18 - Par 4

Hole #18 is a long dogleg right par 4. The ideal tee shot would be a fade aiming down the left side of the fairway. The longer hitter can hit it straight over the left edge of the waste bunker on the right side of the fairway into a generous landing area leaving a mid or short iron approach shot. Pay attention to where the flag location is and pick your club accordingly as it could be a 3 club difference from the front to the back of the largest green on the golf course.

Hole 18


Black Tees 460
Blue Tees 422
White Tees 391
Gold Tees 374
Red Tees 341

Shore Gate Facts & Figures

  • Par 72
  • Number of Holes: 18
  • Acreage: Situated on 245 acres of pristine forest
  • Length: Each hole features 5 sets of tee markers, total yardage ranges from 5,284 to 7,227
  • Type of Grass: Tees, fairways and greens are bent grass. Rough is blue grass and fescue
  • Bunkers: 88
  • Water Hazards: A total of 7 ponds and lakes
  • Practice Facilities: Driving range, with 4 levels of grass tees and mats; Practice putting green; Practice bunkers
  • Toughest Hole: #9 par 5 648 yards from the back tee with water on the left side of the fairway and in front of the green.
  • Best Chance for Birdie: Hole #14, Short par 3 at 144 yards